Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Jake's book reviews

If you come to the after-school club on Tuesdays, you'll know that we've challenged people to read six books and write some reviews for us. Jake's been busy and has read and reviewed four books so far. Here are his reviews:

Weird But True! - National Geographic Kids

This is a very interesting fact book. 300 outrageous facts. Weird... but they're true! I have two facts:

  1. Someone carried the Olympic torch up Mount Everest.
  2. Jellyfish sting, even when dead.
If you get the book, what will you find out that you don't already know?

The Magic Finger - by Roald Dahl

This story is a lovely fantasy. It's funny and I would recommend other Roald Dahl books.

Know Your Tractors - by Chris Lockwood

This book tells you a lot about tractors, the greatest tractors, and tells you what they were used for. If someone in your family had one of a kind of tractor, see if you can find it in the book!

Know Your Combines - by Chris Lockwood

This is exactly like Know Your Tractors. This book tells you about combines, the greatest combines, and tells you what they were used for. If someone in your family had one of these combines, look in the book and see if you can find it!

Thanks for those, Jake! It's good to have reviews of some non-fiction books, as I know lots of you like to find out new information. 


  1. Really great to see some nonfiction reviewed. Keep it up.

  2. welll done jake from leah

  3. I am happy to see some comments!


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