Saturday 18 October 2014

Stories by Anouk and Maddie.

We've just finished a short-story competition in Rowan Class. Students were asked for a crime story set in Egypt. Here are entries from Anouk and Maddie. 

The Mystery

by Anouk

Hi, we're in Egypt. I'll tell you my name and my trusty sidekick's name soon. "Oh no, someone is cursing all the animals, I'm glad you're okay..." I looked at my dog and I shouted, "Buddy!... No! I have to save him." A tear dropped from my eye. "Don't worry Buddy." I found the person who was cursing the animals and I stopped him and all the animals woke up. I rushed to Buddy, but Buddy was playing a trick on me. Buddy was okay. So me and Buddy went back to the pyramid and ever since that happened everything was cool. Right, now I'll tell you my name. My name is Cleo and as you guessed it, Buddy is my trusty sidekick. Now we're all happy, I'll tell you how I found the person who was cursing all the animals. This strange man had a bag. The bag was glowing, it had special powers so he could curse animals, but luckily I've seen him before, so I stopped him by taking his bag of powers. 

The Stolen Pyramid

by Maddie

Once a long time ago, Cleodenile, the queen of the Egyptians, took a walk through the desert looking at all her beautiful pyramids, but her most beautiful one of all was gone.
"Aaaagggghhh!!!" she cried.
All of her guards came rushing to her.
"What is it, your majesty?" said one of her guards softly.
"My pyramid's gone, the beautiful one," she cried.
All the guards looked where the pyramid was. "It is gone," said the guards...

Next time: stories by Grace and Ewan. 


  1. And here is a story by their teacher. Not technically a CRIME story (except its publication)

    Bob the Egyptian had lost his keys. He patted his pockets and looked on the kitchen work top, but they weren’t there. “Where did you last have them?” asked his wife, Ethel, who was also an Egyptian. Bob thought really hard about it and realised that he had used them to open the front door a few minutes earlier. He opened the door and, sure enough, there they were, still in the lock. “Oh Bob, you’d lose your head if it wasn’t screwed on.” said Ethel.
    “But it isn’t ‘screwed on’!” exclaimed Bob.
    His head fell on the floor.
    Now he’s a mummy, and his children call Ethel ‘Dad’, so as not to confuse the grandchildren.

  2. Well done Maddie great story!!!! :-)


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